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Why people watch reality TV

Steven Reiss James Wiltz The Ohio State University We assessed the appeal of reality TV by asking 239 adults to

Six Motivational Reasons for Low School Achievement

Steven Reiss Abstract Reiss (The normal personality: a new way of thinking about people. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008)

Trait motivational correlates of athleticism

Steven Reiss *, James Wiltz, Michael Sherman Ohio State Univeusity, Nisongeu Centeu, 1581 Dodd Duive, Columbus, OH 43210 1296, USA

Multifaceted Nature of Intrinsic Motivation: The Theory of 16 Basic Desires

Steven Reiss The Ohio State University R. W. White (1959) proposed that certain motives, such as curiosity, autonomy, and play

A Comprehensive Assessment of Human Strivings: Test–Retest Reliability and Validity of the Reiss Profile

Susan M. Havercamp and Steven Reiss Nisonger Center The Ohio State University Sensitivity theory provides an analysis of personality based