A Comprehensive Assessment of Human Strivings: Test–Retest Reliability and Validity of the Reiss Profile

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A Comprehensive Assessment of Human Strivings: Test–Retest Reliability and Validity of the Reiss Profile

Susan M. Havercamp and Steven Reiss
Nisonger Center
The Ohio State University

Sensitivity theory provides an analysis of personality based on what people say motivates their behavior. After Reiss and Havercamp (1998) confirmed a 15-factor solution to self-reported human strivings, the Reiss Profile of Fundamental Goals and Motivation Sensitivities (Reiss & Havercamp, 1998) psychometric instrument was standardized. In 3 studies, the Reiss Profile was shown to possess good test–retest and internal reliability and concurrent and criterion va￾lidity. Ten independent samples of adults (n = 764) and a comparison group (n = 737) partici￾pated in these studies. Pearson product–moment correlations between the Marlowe–Crowne Social Desirability Scale (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960) and the Reiss Profile ranged in absolute value from .01 to .39 (M = .16). How people self-reported their trait motives correlated with how they behaved in the “real world.” The Reiss Profile can be used to study motivational traits.

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